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Is bulgur a starch?

Is bulgur a starch? bulgur is one of the traditional meals in the Middle East, where its preparation methods vary, as it is one of the foods rich in nutrients important for the health of the body . In addition to talking about the benefits of bulgur, and the recommended amount of it, we will mention the components of one cup of bulgur, and the precautions of eating bulgur.

What are carbohydrates?

Starch is one of the most complex types of carbohydrates, consisting of long and complex chains of glucose, obtained from grains and root vegetables, and it is worth noting that nutrients are of three types: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and each of these elements It is divided into subgroups, for example, complex carbohydrates found in sweets and fruits, and simple ones found in whole grains and starches, and starches are linked to minerals and fiber, and contribute to enhancing energy in the body and providing it with the calories needed for a long time, as it needs time to digest, and also provides the body glucose without a sudden rise in the rate of sugar.

What is bulgur?

Bulgur is the whole wheat grain, as it contains all the nutrients of wheat, and it is obtained from boiling the wheat grains, drying them and then grinding them, so it is prepared in meals quickly, and the bulgur contains various minerals and vitamins, in addition to the important fibers for the body.

Is bulgur a starch?

Yes, bulgur is a starch and is a whole grain, as all grains join the list of starches, such as oats, rice, barley, wheat, and corn, and these grains are refined by removing the bran from them to increase their shelf life, and most baked goods are made from them, such as pasta. And bread, and whole grains contain vitamins and fiber more than refined grains, which reduces the risk of many diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high blood cholesterol and heart disease.

What is the recommended amount of bulgur?

It is recommended to consume six servings of grains or starchy foods on a daily basis, provided that half of these grains are from whole grains such as bulgur, and one serving is equivalent to half a cup of cooked bulgur.

Ingredients for one cup of bulgur

One cup of cooked bulgur contains 151 calories, resulting from the following nutrients:

  • 34 grams of carbohydrates.
  • 8 grams of fiber.
  • 6 grams of protein.
  • 0 fat.
  • 6% of vitamins.
  • 8% of folic acid.
  • 9.6% of niacin.
  • 10% iron.
  • 15% magnesium.
  • 55% manganese.

bulgur benefits

Bulgur provides the various organs of the body with many benefits, which are represented in the following:

  1. Digestive system: Bulgur contains fiber that facilitates digestion and excretion, and avoids the digestive system from problems caused by poor digestion, such as constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  2. Reducing weight: bulgur is a complex carbohydrate, which makes the body need a lot of time to digest it, and gives a person a feeling of satiety for a longer period.
  3. Controlling blood sugar: Bulgur is an ideal model for maintaining the level of insulin in the body, and it controls the level of sugar in the blood. It is also used as an alternative to bread and rice.
  4. Lowering cholesterol: bulgur does not contain any fat, and its content of fiber contributes to reducing a person's chance of developing cholesterol problems such as blockage of the arteries, heart attacks, and strokes.
  5. Treatment of anemia: bulgur contains iron that helps in the treatment of anemia, as it works on the formation of hemoglobin, and bulgur also contains vitamin B6, which helps in the absorption of iron and the production of red blood cells, thus improving blood circulation.

Disadvantages of eating bulgur

There are many precautions to be aware of when eating bulgur, including the following:

  1. Because bulgur contains gluten, it is cautioned for people who are sensitive to gluten and who have some digestive disorders.
  2. Eating bulgur may cause breathing problems in people with baker's asthma.
  3. Not suitable for people with inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome; Because bulgur contains insoluble fiber.
  4. Bulgur contains oxalate compounds in a higher percentage than other different grains, and these compounds increase the proportion of calcium in the urine, which is harmless for the average person, but it is harmful to those who suffer from kidney stones.

Types of bulgur

Bulgur is divided into three types based on the size of the bulgur, which are as follows:

  • Fine bulgur: It is the smallest type of bulgur in size, so it is used in the manufacture of kibbeh, which is made from a mixture of fine bulgur and meat.
  • Medium-sized bulgur: It is larger in size than fine bulgur and less than coarse bulgur. It is used in the manufacture of some types of salads such as tabbouleh.
  • Coarse bulgur: It is one of the most bulky types of bulgur, and is used instead of meat in the diet of vegetarians, and is used as a substitute for rice.


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