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Is vitamin D fat?

Is vitamin D fattening? Vitamin D is one of the important vitamins that help control the body’s enzymes and thus protect it from the risk of many diseases. This vitamin can be obtained from multiple sources, especially beneficial sunlight. Therefore, the question of whether vitamin D increases weight is a question of many . From people, and in the context of talking about vitamin D, the reference site is interested in highlighting whether vitamin D is fattening, while clarifying the sources of obtaining it.

Is vitamin D fat?

The answer varies according to the amount of vitamin D present in the body, the answer becomes yes if it is lacking in the body and then weight gain, and the answer becomes no when it is increased, because its presence in large quantities leads to weight loss, and this is due to the fact that the lack of natural levels of vitamin D is linked to an Directly with the fat mass, which accumulates in certain areas of the body and affects the overall shape, and therefore many scientific studies have proven that a simple amount of vitamin D necessarily leads to an excessive increase in weight.

Causes of Vitamin D deficiency in the body

There are many reasons that lead to a deficiency in the amount of vitamin D in the body, and among these reasons are the following

  1. Lack of exposure to sunlight:  The sun helps provide the body with sufficient amounts of vitamin D, and not being exposed to it on a daily basis affects the percentage of the vitamin in the body.
  2. Darkening of the skin:  Excessive increase in melanin pigment in the body reduces the chances of obtaining vitamin D.
  3. Aging:  The kidneys fail to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D, especially with age.
  4. Obesity:  The fat cells in the body extract vitamin D, especially from the bloodstream, which leads to a deficiency of it from the body.

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency in the body

Vitamin D deficiency in the body appears in the form of many symptoms and signs, and these symptoms include the following:

  1. Severe pain in different parts of the body.
  2. Marked difficulty in wound healing.
  3. hair loss;
  4. Constant fatigue as a result of repeated infections.
  5. Having some mental illnesses, including depression.
  6. obesity.
  7. Chronic diabetes.
  8. Some neurological diseases.
  9. Osteoporosis.

Sources of getting Vitamin D

The human body produces quantities of this useful vitamin, but if the body is unable to secrete it, there are many sources to obtain it, including:

  1. Sunlight:  It is one of the natural sources of vitamin D, as sitting under the beneficial sunshine for at least a quarter of an hour a day helps to supply the body with it.
  2. Beef liver: Beef  liver is one of the foods rich in many vitamins, including vitamin D. Eating a piece of it helps to supply the body with about 50 units of it.
  3. Orange juice:  Orange is a fruit rich in this wonderful vitamin, and one cup of it helps supply the body with about 100 international units.
  4. Egg yolk:  Eating one egg yolk a day helps supply the body with many useful elements, including vitamin D, which protects the body from many diseases.
  5. Cod liver oil:  It is recommended by many specialized doctors, especially as it is rich in vitamin D. Eating one tablespoon of it helps to supply the body with about 1,300 units.

Benefits of supplying the body with vitamin D

There are many benefits that the body may get when providing it with a simple daily amount of useful vitamin D, and these benefits are evident in the following:

  • It helps in facilitating the metabolism process by stimulating the body to absorb the calcium mineral necessary to build all the muscles and joints of the body.
  • Prevents the risk of osteoporosis, which many elderly suffer from.
  • It plays a vital role in strengthening the immune system and thus preventing serious cancerous diseases and even infectious diseases.
  • Eating it during pregnancy helps strengthen the bones of the fetus while it is inside the womb, in addition to protecting it from the risk of annoying congenital malformations.
  • It increases fertility, especially in men, because it increases the level of testosterone.

Recommended doses of vitamin D

The dose of vitamin D used is determined by the age of the person, especially since taking it in excess may cause many damages, and this dose is shown in the following:

  • Babies from one day to one year of age get 400 international units per day.
  • People 1 to 70 years old get 600 IU per day.
  • All people over 70 get 800 IU per day.

Side effects of high levels of vitamin D in the body

Excess doses of this vitamin cause many damages or complications, including the following:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. poor appetite;
  3. Chronic constipation.
  4. A severe increase in the proportion of calcium in the blood.
  5. kidney damage;
  6. Severe weight loss.
  7. Constant feeling of confusion.
  8. Noticeable acceleration of the heart rate.

Frequently Asked Questions About Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the necessary vitamins that can be obtained from natural sources. Therefore, there are many questions that revolve around this useful vitamin, including the following:

Does vitamin d fatten the face?

The answer is no, as the presence of a high percentage of vitamin D inside the body does not cause fattening of the face as it does not cause fattening of any other area, as well as many scientific studies have confirmed that there is no specific vitamin that can be taken to fatten the face, but a group of foods and healthy drinks rich in minerals and elements can be eaten. Useful nutrients, yeast, milk, oats, grapes and many other foods help in fattening the face as soon as possible.

Does vitamin D help open the appetite?

The answer is no, as many scientific studies have proven that vitamin D controls the hormone serotonin in the blood, which is one of the main factors in controlling mood and appetite, helping to increase the feeling of satiety and then reduce the feeling of constant hunger, which leads to weight gain, and it is worth noting that The more vitamin D in the body, the higher the level of serotonin, which leads to weight loss in a short period of time.

Does Vitamin D cause weight loss?

The answer is yes, vitamin D is one of the useful vitamins that plays a vital role in reducing the high index of body mass, which causes an excessive increase in certain parts of the body. It works to reduce fat cells that are difficult to get rid of in many times, and it is also recommended by many Specialized doctors, especially since moderate amounts of vitamin D play an important role in maintaining the body and thus reaching the ideal weight.


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