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How to use chamomile spray and what are its most important benefits

How to use chamomile spray and what are its most important benefits ? This question is one of the most important questions that revolve in the minds of women who wish to use chamomile to take care of their hair and skin because of its rumored benefits for hair and skin. The reference is all about chamomile and we also show real experiences of women who have already used it.

About chamomile spray

Chamomile spray is a prescription made from the extract of the chamomile or chamomile plant, which is obtained from the flowers of the chamomile trees, then put it in bottles and sprayed it on the hair or skin to treat them, increase their freshness and preserve them from damage because the chamomile plant contains many benefits and substances that treat infections. It increases the freshness and beauty of the skin and hair.

How to prepare chamomile spray

Chamomile spray is prepared for hair and skin care by following these steps:

  1. Put an amount of water estimated at two large cups on the fire and raise it after boiling.
  2. After raising the water from the fire, a cup of chamomile is added to it.
  3. After adding chamomile flowers to the boiling water, the flowers are soaked in the water.
  4. When the water cools, it is filtered from the chamomile flowers and placed in a sprayer.
  5. The spray containing chamomile soak is used in hair and skin care as desired.

How to use chamomile spray

Although it is common among people that the benefits of chamomile can only be obtained by drinking it only, but this is not true, as it is possible to obtain many benefits from chamomile soak by spraying it on the hair or skin, and we show this in detail by mentioning the method of using chamomile spray And its benefits in the following lines:

  1. The hair or skin is washed and dried well before using chamomile spray on them.
  2. Before using the chamomile spray, shake well.
  3. Sprinkle chamomile on all parts of the skin or all hair from the ends to the roots.
  4. After that, you must stand under the sun for several minutes after using the spray so that the chamomile interacts with the sun's rays, which improves its effectiveness.
  5. Leave chamomile on the skin or hair to dry with refrain from washing the hair or skin again until at least two hours after using chamomile.
  6. The spray is used on a daily basis to get the desired result.

Benefits of chamomile spray

There are many benefits that can be obtained by using chamomile spray, and these benefits are:

  1. Elimination of skin infections.
  2. Get rid of pimples caused by allergies and acne.
  3. Lightening the skin and unifying its color.
  4. Increase the smoothness and freshness of the skin.
  5. Getting rid of dandruff.
  6. Hair extension and softness.
  7. Increase hair density and reduce the spaces in it.

Natural recipes for hair based on chamomile

There are many natural recipes that are made primarily from chamomile and can be used to treat hair and increase its freshness. We mention the best of them in the following lines:

  1. Chamomile spray to lighten hair: We explain how the spray works in detail in the following lines:
  2. Ordinary chamomile infusion is made by steeping one cup of chamomile flowers in two cups of boiling water.
  3. Put 3 lemons on the chamomile drenched.
  4. The chamomile infusion is filtered after it cools down in a sprayer.
  5. Chamomile soaked with lemon is used to lighten the hair once a week so as not to damage the hair.
  6. Chamomile and yogurt recipe for treating hair breakage: We show how the recipe works in detail in the following lines:
  7. Chamomile infusion is made by steeping one cup of chamomile flowers in two cups of boiling water.
  8. Filter the water from the chamomile flowers after it cools down and add to it a quarter cup of lavender oil and a cup of yogurt.
  9. Mix yogurt with lavender and chamomile well and massage the hair with it from roots to ends.
  10. Leave the mixture on the hair for half an hour after covering the hair and then wash the hair with warm water.
  11. Chamomile and olive oil recipe for hair loss treatment: We show how the recipe works in detail in the following lines:
  12. Chamomile infusion is made by steeping one cup of chamomile flowers in two cups of boiling water.
  13. To the chamomile infusion, add a quarter cup of olive oil and a quarter cup of coconut oil with a spoonful of honey.
  14. Mix the chamomile soaked with oil and honey and put it on the hair for half an hour, covering the hair.
  15. After the time is up, wash the hair with warm water and dry it well.
  16. Chamomile and shampoo recipe for treating dandruff: We show how the recipe works in detail in the following lines:
  17. Chamomile infusion is made by steeping one cup of chamomile flowers in two cups of boiling water.
  18. Apply the chamomile soak to any type of sulfate-free shampoo.
  19. This shampoo is used to wash hair once a week instead of your regular shampoo.

Disadvantages of using chamomile spray

Although many people think that chamomile is harmless, this is not true, as it can cause many harms, including:

  1. Allergies: The use of chamomile can cause skin sensitivity, as this sensitivity appears in the form of dermatitis and a feeling of burning in it.
  2. Inflammation of the eyes: If chamomile enters the eye, it will become inflamed with severe inflammation that appears in the form of burning and redness in the eye and an inability to see partially.
  3. Food poisoning: The use of chamomile may cause food poisoning if the chamomile flower is loaded with germs.
  4. Negative effect on pregnancy: It was recently observed that the use of chamomile infusion for pregnant women can negatively affect her health and the health of her fetus, so the use of chamomile should be avoided in any way during pregnancy.

My experience with chamomile hair spray

To help people who want to use chamomile spray to treat their hair, we show a real experience of one of the people who used it in the care of their hair, narrated by her in the following lines:

  1. A while ago I noticed that my hair started falling out a lot and I didn't know how to treat it even though I used many expensive medical products.
  2. A relative of mine advised me to use chamomile spray to thicken my hair, so I decided to give it a try.
  3. I've been using chamomile spray for a while and my hair has really thickened, but I noticed that it became dry.
  4. I consulted the doctor, and he advised me to continue using the chamomile spray until my hair returns to its natural density, and he wrote me a hair moisturizer to protect it from drying out.
  5. After three months my hair has returned to its natural density and is longer and more beautiful.

My experience with chamomile spray for skin

To help people who want to use chamomile spray to treat their skin, we show a real experience of one of the people who used it in caring for their skin, narrated by her in the following lines:

  1. I've been suffering from acne since the beginning of my teenage years and I couldn't find a solution for it.
  2. I had been struggling with acne for several years until I read about chamomile sprays online and decided to give it a try.
  3. I actually used chamomile spray on my skin and within two months the acne was almost completely gone.
  4. Even though I've gotten rid of the pimples completely, I still use chamomile spray every other week to prevent pimples.


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